divers program we have.
Sacred geometry
This is the science of the form, composing life. Sacred geometry is the language of thelight.
Uses of herbals and kaya kalpa for longevity and good health.
Vallalar and the Siddhas recommend the use of herbals and kaya kalpa.Kaya palpa in the first place as the action to heal all deficiencies and bring the body to a balance of vata, pita, kapha. In a second phase this brings transformation to the being towards immortality developing one’s capacities.
Healing and therapy
Every step of life brings periods of illness. Illness comes to make us understand what we refuse to see. Illness can also manifest like a purification following a cellular transformation. Some healing methods are needed; so that we can keep going on the path with less suffering .They accelerate the process of divine transformation.
Service without self interest
This is to develop love and compassion.
Vegetarian diet
This takes us to develop compassion towards all life, so that we get closer to our Divinity. This brings us better health.
Contact with nature
This connects us to the five elements which compose our body. This brings us to develop listening capacities. This helps us to establish connection with the Mother earth, the manifestation of the goddess in
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