Wednesday, August 3, 2011


These herbs can be taken as a complement diet. I recommend one teaspoon in the morning and evening mixed with honey. The honey will give more power and life to the herb. As you mix the two, chant Arut Perum Jothi mantra and ask the Divine ambrosia to be manifest in the medicine.

Centrella asiatica, apiaceae, leaf with potent power in a shape of the brain.
Neutralise the deficiencies of :

Lessens tiredness, takes away all sorts of skin problem, reinforces the immunity, cure leprosy, kidneys inflammation, diminishes swelling, blood tumor, purifies the body through sweat.
Balance vata (gas), khapa (phlegm).
Perfects and develops :
The physical body:
Reinforces the brain, develops the power of memory, reinforces the nerves,
augments the body calories, and makes the sperms dense.
The mental emotional body:
Calms the mind, depression, reduces sexual desire.
The spiritual body:

Helps to transform the sexual energies towards spirituality, rejuvenates the cells in light and life, augments the power of kundalini and open the channels, develops clarity of mind and intuition, helps for long meditation

solamum trilobantum, solanaceae : The leaf which purifies the pores..
Neutralise the deficiencies of :

Takes away all phlegm and mucus, purifies blood, calms hyper sensibility, takes away pain, regularizes nervous agitation and anxiety, takes away the beginning symptoms of cancer, typhoid; fever, trembling fever, asthma, neutralizes vata and kapha.
Perfects and develops:
The physical body:
Develops the tissues, straightens body and mind, gives sexual power, purifies
through the elimination of excrement, straightens the heart, gives a nice face.

The mental emotional body:
Gives contentment and joy, develops listening capacities, develops the
intelligence and controls anger.
The spiritual body:

Gives a shining and attractive face, increases the perception of the five senses and spiritual discernment, opens the chakras, brings good meditation, helps to rise the seven veils, increases spiritual studies, increases the knowledge of the higher self.
Oxatiscorniculate, oxalidaceae; leaves with an acid taste.
Neutralise the deficiencies of :

Pitta or bile, removes all deficiencies, reduces all heat and type of poison, toxin, reduces weight , removes allergy from food and gives good taste and appetite, cures jaundice, increases blood, removes anemia, giardia a , blood in the excrement, controls over bleeding menstruation, reduces high blood pressure , reduces mind confusion , cools the body and calms the mind , cures heart attack, gives good breath.
Perfects and develops:
The physical body:
Strengthens the body, neutralizes the heat coming from muladara chakra ,
develops the sense, bring rejuvenation and reduces grey hair.
The mental, emotional body:
Gives power of speech, strengthens the mind.
The spiritual body:
Strengthens the subtle bodies; helps the secretion of all types of ambrosia.
Potralaieclipta alba, eclipta procena ; golden flower.
Neutralize the deficiencies:

Of all kinds of diseases, purifies blood, controls cholesterol, removes bile and phlegm, removes weakness of the body and debility of the mind , diabetes , neutralizes vata , pita , khapa, cures liver disease, jaundice with the body which swells.
Perfects and develops :
The physical body:
Transformation towards golden body,
The mental emotional body:
Increases mental light power, peacefulness, builds up spiritual heat to help
control excessive anger and sexual energies.

The spiritual body:
Increase soul light power
Ponnaam kani
alternanthera sessilis; Let you see the body as gold.
Neutralize the deficiencies of:

All kinds of eye disease, body and stomach pain, all impure heat coming from hatha yoga, purgative, digestion, inflation and itching of the skin, fire burns, blood going through urine, menstrual pain, removes toxins from deep tissues and nerves
Perfects and develops:
The physical body :
Gives golden color body, brings worldly mundane prosperity.
The mental emotional body:
Motherly kindness, gentleness.
The spiritual body:
Body transformation,
Peayanplantain root, the perfect kaya kalpa , high growing, the divine tree of suddha
Neutralize the deficiencies of :

All deficiencies, peayan has no limit in its effect, cures the most affected psychic trouble, the juice of the root clears passage of the esophagi, dissolves kidneys stone; its flower regulates semen and white discharge , good for making red oxide, removes all kinds of poison (venom, radiation, ...) , small pox ...
Perfects and develops:
The physical body:
Develops physical attraction, augments digestion and purgation, and regulates
the prana, constructive power.
The mental emotional body:
Softens the mind and excess stimulation, motherly aspect: loveliness, liveliness.
The spiritual body:

Contains ozone power, ambrosial effect, open chakras, good intelligence and creative power, some grace light in itself, connected to Rudra heart center, controls causal heat. Protects from all evils. It is


Grace Light Healing yoga or Ambalam yoga is the path of union with the Vast Grace Light, a path of joy, love, compassion and felicity. It is a means to arrived at the expression and understanding of Suddha Sanmargam.
This yoga is made possible with the help of the divers Messengers of Grace Light
coming from the past, present and future.
Those Messengers of Grace Light are Rishis, Siddhas, Saint and Yogis who have devote
themselves to the One, God manifested as absolute Grace Light, compassion and felicity.
They have freed themselves from all mandalas, so they could manifest they own Divine
potential, Oneness.
Ambalam yoga is not a new institution but a means to form yogis, messengers of Grace
This path is possible for any one which as the right motivation to grow and change in
the Divine presence.
Dhaya will guide you with the help of The Vast Grace Light and they Messengers to
become a free independent Being who is able to manifest his Divine potential,
perpetuating the new Yogic tradition in the same spirit that the Rishis, Siddhas and
Saints have done it before the downfall.
In those times the transmission was One to One, teacher to student. In this contest it is important to understand that it is not a relation Guru to disciple but teacher to studentbased on Universal Humanhood.
In this purity and respect the transmission will continue

Ambalam yogaTeach you

To transform and heal ourselves trough yoga
The science of Kaya Kalpa or longevity
To realize your primordial state
To manifest your divine Godhead

To allow the descent of the Grace Light into the physical body
To manifest your Divine potential powers, siddhis.
To become a servant of God

It allows you to open yourself to receive Divine Grace who is a medicine in itself. It brings you to express the service for others, the comfortable joy, the peace, the truth and an abundant life.

Sharing with the Vast Grace Light go beyond dogmas, religions and philosophies. It brings each individual responsible for himself. It gives you the tools which allow you to evolve towards your Divine manifestation and life goal.

It is a path which integrates the holistic Being in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual manifestation. A path which brings longevity and immortality. It’s obtained by the practice of four arts and the four Margams. To succeed in this, we can practice Grace Light Healing Yoga which is composed of the following tools:

Is the means which allows you to listen to God and to receive His messages and Grace.

Is the means to communicate with the diverse parts of our being and God.

Is the natural state where nothing is forced or created, we are in the divine presence
which manifests itself.

Chants and sounds
They establish an inner alchemy which takes us in diverse dimensions. They have
therapeutic powers. They are the expression of our Divinity and beyond.

Positions and rejuvenating exercises
Are positions and exercises harmonizing vata, pita, kapha which help to maintain an healthy body, a mental emotional and physical balance. The body is our temple; the positions and the rejuvenating exercises maintain one in a good health and bring longevity.

Sacred movements, dance
They unify our diverse faculties, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In this unity
we express our Divinity